Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is a skin inflammation that appears as red splotches on your baby's bottom. In addition to red marks on the bottom, your baby may have a diaper rash if he or she is suddenly uncomfortable during diaper changes.
Causes of Diaper Rash
Some babies develop a diaper rash as a result of the following:
- Changes in diet
- Taking antibiotics
- Not being changed often enough
- Diarrhea
- Frequent bowel movements
- Reactions to cleanser
- Diapers that are too tight
Treatment of Diaper Rash
Most cases of diaper rash can be managed at home with over-the-counter diaper rash ointments and ensuring that your baby's diaper is changed more often. If your baby's diaper rash doesn't improve within a few days or your baby also has a fever, contact their doctor, as these may be signs of an infection. In such cases, your baby's doctor will usually prescribe hydrocortisone or an antifungal cream to relive symptoms.
Prevention of Diaper Rash
To prevent diaper rashes, the following steps can help:
- Change the baby's soiled diaper frequently
- Use alcohol-free and fragrance-free baby wipes
- Wash their bottom with water
- Pat the bottom dry
- Apply ointment during each diaper change
- Air dry the baby's bottom when changing
- Do not use plastic overpants
- Keep the diaper a little bit looser
Since cloth diapers and disposable diapers each won't cause or prevent diaper rashes on your baby, simply use whichever is best for your family, as long as they're changed frequently.